Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BBC and Bape idiots

If you ask for BBC/IceCream and Bape, expect to pay a MINIMUM of $50 for a new shirt, thats barely making anything on the shirt for the business over wholesale price. Expect the hoodie to be over $100 for a SIMPLE, basic put it through the machine and cut on a pattern and sew together cheap fleece hoody, if they want to push that hoodie. Expect the jeans to some washed style or have some picture here and there. Expect to wear those jeans 1 time, and put them away for years as an artifact. Bape, call Busy Workshop in NYC, they ship.

When you ask for either of these brands, be prepared for my response and arrogance. Granted the designs and cuts on some items are bearable, when you ask, have a good amount of money on hand. Bape is not ANYWHERE outside their own shops LEGALLY. Bape can only be purchased in their doors and through resellers aka Cliffedge and Conceptshop. Union use to import bape, but the hypebeast fools stopped buying and it became un profitable.

I believe it is time for me to design a Anti-BBC/IceCream Design Shirt.....Fuck BBC/Icecream. Fuck pharell for his clothing brand. He is a good producer and he is a stylish guy. Respect, but on the real. For real?

Rant mildly, but its kids that are brainwashed by MTV and TV and BET and other garbage such as that is why I hate brands like that.

Also, making more money is a part of growing up, as long as you stay true. It is not selling out.

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