Saturday, January 26, 2013

168: G-Shock 30th Anniversary Celebration at Hammerstein Ballroom

G-Shock threw a party to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their watch. All I knew was that Eminem and Slaughterhouse were set to perform. I found out about this event the day of and was scheming to get in various ways. My friend Angelica and Mikey did the same thing. They got in, technically. I got in via a Media Pass from a friend. I had to purposefully not tell my friends about this event as to maximize my chances of entry. New York is very much a city of who you know, not what you know. I have been fortunately lucky enough to meet many good people whom I have come to call friends or else while out here. 

The media pass apparently granted its bearer a G-Shock gift bag, which I used to help my friends get G-Shocks as well:) The event was open bar and had one of my bucket list hip-hop performers to see, Eminem. This was Eminem's first live show in god knows how long of a time apparently as well, so we were treated to something awesome. Slaughterhouse put on an amazing set as well. I will let the photos and videos speak for themselves. 


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