xSo this entry contains two nights. Thursday night and Friday.
Thursday was pretty lame. I took the bus to Franklin and Hennepin and og of there. It was a pretty chillly morning. I go on a walk down Franklin east to Lyndale. I decided to not take my bike. I did not have my lock with me. I would have had to go home to get my lock, and then go bike to the liquor store if I wanted to bike, so that would have taken much longer. I walked south on Lyndale off to twenty-sixth street to hit up Hum's Liquor as they were on of the closer places that had Four Loko, my goal for the night.
Four Loko is a twenty three and a half ounce can of 'get-shit-faced' drink. It has caffeine and taurine blended with alcohol. It comes in nine fruity flavors with more on the way after votes by consumers. This is nothing new, alcohol with caffeine. Before, there was the Jag-bomb (Jagermeister in a shot thing surrounded by Red Bull) or Vodka-Redbulls. People mixed alcohol, a depressant, with caffeine, a stimulant. This is dangerous apparently as professionals or experts somewhere in the world of not mine, testified that alcohol accelerates caffeine's effect some magical way with thinger magic leading to an increased heart rate and blood pressure, possibly resulting in cardiac arrests, also known as a heart attack. So what is the relevance to Four Loko? Four Loko is twenty three and a half ounces. The alcohol by volume is twelve percent as well! This is much more than usual beer, which is like six to eight percent. A study said that the amount of beers and coffees that the can translates to is six beers and five coffees. The price is what appeals to many as well. The price of these range from two dollars and fifty cents to three dollars. You can get drunk for that much?! Invention of the Year award?
I get there and they only have the Fruit Punch flavor:( The price for each one was two fifty nine plus tax. The total for three were eight fifty four. There was one more left in the cooler after I grabbed my three. I went up on twenty fourth from Hum's by the Super America and am plastering Vs. stickers along the way. I get to Hennepin and walk along that to drop into Studiiyo23 and looked around to check out things. He got some new WESC and consignment and other knick-knacks. I left soon after and walked along Hennepin. I was jamming to my iPodge and stickering more. I ran out of stickers near Red Savoy pizza, which was about a block or two past Studiiyo23. The jamming to the music was keeping me warm while walking to Calhoun Square area. I ended up getting some food around ten thirty which is what time I arrived at Chinatown, by CVS Pharmacys(think pricier Walgreens). I ordered the beef fried rice small size. The price was like four fifty eight. I ate that and watched some of The Wire or the end of the Lottery Ticket, I do not remember. I fail at remembering things after a day or so pretty badly/vaguely. I talked to Anna about random shit. She is a freshmen at the University who is into Supreme and other of the likes. She is taking this printmaking class that I took before flunking my ass out. She is spending many hours in the lab classroom there as well, that sucks. I ended up spending some overnight all-nighters there before. She lives in Bailey Hall in Saint Paul though, which is wack as she has to take a Campus Commuter half an hour to get to the East bank for classes. I think thats all for this day.
Friday was a good day. I wake up to getting the Kid Cudi album leaking, in one some of the highest quality, three hundred and twenty kilobytes per second bitrate. The album is like an Ambien. The album sounds very similar to the first one. Nothing is too drastic an improvement in my mind. I have not listened to it like very well yet though. N.E.R.D. dropped an album as well, Nothing. I listened to that. I like it. I like Chad Hugo, Pharrell Williams, and Shay doing the rock, pop, hip-hop, and jazzy vibe. The guys all play their own instruments. I am jealous of this dude, Shay. It seems like he does nothing in the group, except partial vocals, and gets paid mad bucks. The Social Network, Scott Pilgrim, and Inception movies are all on deck. All those movies DVD-Screeners came out:) I am most stoked for the Inception screener.
I began playing with my camera this day as well. I brought a Four with me to work. I grabbed a gyro along with a free soft drink. I finished that and then began with the Four. It hits fucking HARD. That shit is like a long island ice tea on steroids. Good and sweet tasting and then it hits you in the chest. I think I drank it with too small amount of food in my stomach. A friend Karla said this, "The first sip was 'eww', the second sips being getting better, by the third I was 'come at me bro!'" hahahaha. This was a perfect representation of the stages of Four. After drinking some of it, I was feeling it at work. I was too trashed to do the bike ride, fuck that. I went though only a third of that can. I got home and chilled a little bit. I was going to go to BOMP, which was at Nick & Eddie's this month. The place is small. I was ironing my button up and my lab coat since they were wrinkly. I biked over there. I had two Summit beer bottles through the night. I saw some friends, and then many randoms. Most of the randoms were college kids that were eighteen to twenty. I think most of that crowd was actually doing drugs of some kind. It felt too much like a rave. I was dancing here and there, and playing with my new camera. The only downside I felt with it that rated most low was because of the lens cap. The lens cap has to be removed each time instead of a retractable type one. I grabbed a Pabst Blue Ribbon for Jules and Mel as well, they showed up there pretty late ha. The beer was like a belated gift for Mel as her birthday was the day before. I get on my bike and head over to Sawatdee Express. That place is like a lifesaver for me. It is cheaper than Caffrey's subs as well. I get the beef pad thai, and get hooked up with a HUGE portion. I hit up home, watch some of The Wire, then snooze at a ungodly time that I have no idea of. Pictures coming soon, chronologically of course as always. Editing takes time an other random shits.
2 hours ago
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