September 28, 2010 by Joey Asterisk

While the economy is in a recession, Rap is also in a recession. Talent has been drained and a plethora of “Rappers and Artist’s” are coming out with what they deem as quality product. It has catapulted to the point where these impostor’s are making a living off of it and other Artist such as OFWGKTA are flying under the radar. For my readers who don’t know i did a post on the groups leader Tyler the Creators song Assmilk off of the Conveniently titled Mixtape Bastard. One of his group-mates Mike G saw the post and gave praise towards it. Conversation continued along and now you are all here witnessing this. This is the Odd Future Interview By The Inner City Kids.1. When did you guys begin OFWGKTA
Tyler - in 2002, after we heard Nellyville
Syd – i just hopped onto OF a little over a year ago. hodgy came to a session i had booked with another rapper, and hodgy ended up recording more than the guy paying for the session. a week or so later i come home to a gang of wolves on my porch.
2. Who are all the members of OF
Tyler - Tyler, Michael, Hodgy, Domonique, Earl, Left, Syd And Matthew. The Members of Odd Future Are Young Swag And Steve The Turtle
3. Whats everyone’s Role within the group
Tyler - Tyler Prepare The Dish, Hodgy And Earl Makes Sure It Goes Into The Oven. Domo Turns The Stove On. Matt And Left Makes Sure it Cooks. Syd takes it Out And Mike Gives It To Everyone.
4. What Motivates yall to do what yall do
Tyler - The Evil Mexican Ninjas Said If We Dont Do This, They Will Kill Our Family
Syd – Aside from all the money we’d all love to have, I think the biggest motivation for all of us is to see the looks on the faces of all the people in our past that ever did us shady or said we weren’t shit. Pretty much all of us have spent a big chunk of our lives as underdogs or outcasts. Teenagers can be so cruel…
Matt – What motivates us is the hunger to be the leaders of a generation, to let kids know its OK to be a rebel and its okay to say “Fuck”…
Mike G – Mainly the fact this is the only thing i’ve wanted to do. And its kind of ironic, but I work hard so I can be lazy in the future, if that makes any sense
Tyler - We Do What The Fuck We Want.
Syd – Wait… Doesn’t everyone have those kinds of thoughts?….. No?….. Oh….. Well I guess we’re all just cry babies who get butt hurt when girls don’t like us back, and that causes us to create mental scenarios in which we cause them lots and lots of pain for revenge. Everyone has “unpure” thoughts, though. Don’t front.
Mike G – We were born like this. The world would be a much better place if nobody gave a fuck about opinions
6. In new york you guys are blowing up like crazy i cant go anywhere without hearing about you guys amongst people our age. Any Plans to one day come to Nyc?
Tyler - Yeah, One Day When We Get our Money Up. We Love NY Tho
Syd – If someone would be down to fly us all out there, we’d all be down without a doubt.
Matt – Of course.. we wanna travel the WORLD…maybe space if technology gets there some day.
Mike G – That’s a must. We will one day. Can’t wait.
7. What is in the works for you guys?
Tyler - A Movie By John Singleton
Syd – BlackenedWhite drops 10/31/10 and it is going to be INSANELY AMAZING. Then there’s Wolf, and I think a Christmas album dropping before that… It’s hard to keep up.
Mike G – OF is going on family feud…Just to tell Steve Harvey hes wearing an ugly ass suit
8. And in closing, are there any people, movements anything you guys would like to shout out?
Tyler - the Jerk Movement Is Popping Right Now, And Whats Up To Steve harvey
Syd – All the blogs that have been posting our stuff, FREEDMINDS, crips, bloods, Shake Change, and Jesus.
Matt - Id like to shout out they are HUGE supporters of Odd Future…. other than that the only other people i would have shouted out are in OF so im done.
Mike G – Mainly the people that doubted us. Sounds typical as fuck but I aim to prove them wrong. Might even get some money in the process. Wolf Gang
P.s: None of this would have been possible with out the Homie Mike G
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